Generalized Anxiety Disorders And Victims Of Bullying In High School

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Bullying in High School The majority of worldwide bullying is impacted on students in high school.“Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational” (“Bullying and Stress,” 2012). Bullying is a reoccurring thing once it happens, and the bully gets away with it. In our society today, bullying has become a huge problem. In high school students tend to be going through a lot and use bullying as a coping mechanism. Bullying affects teenagers in many different ways. “The top four anxiety disorders that victims of bullying can experience include post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks and social anxiety disorder” (Gordon, 2017). There is more than one type of anxiety when you …show more content…

If the bullying your child experienced was particularly abusive and continued for a long time, there is an increased chance that he could develop PTSD” (Gordon, 2017). Children could have post trauma after being in a bullying situation. This could lead to them being fearful in situations, or have trust issues when meeting new people. “ Kids with generalized anxiety disorder are often plagued with worries and fears that distract them from their day-to-day activities” (Gordon, 2017). Victims of bullying, can suffer anxiety when trying to complete everyday tasks. Students fear the bully. “People who suffer from a panic disorder must deal with unexpected and repeated panic attacks. During an attack, they experience feelings of terror that strike suddenly without warning” (Gordon, 2017). While being bullied, children could have panic attacks from the anxiety. This does not help the situation when they are already being victimized. “ When someone is afraid of being humiliated or being seen negatively by others, they may have a social anxiety disorder. People with this disorder are plagued with self-consciousness about everyday social situations. Their fear is …show more content…

“Bullying and depression are often related. Depression affects both bullies and their victims. Victims of cyberbullying may be at even higher risk for depression. Learn about bullying and depression and how you can help stop bullying”(Bullying and Depression, n.d.). If students are being bullied in school there is a high risk they are also suffering from depression. “Researchers have discovered a strong link between bullying and depression. Depression is an illness that is not totally understood, and may have a variety of causes, but it is clear that it can have a relationship to bullying“(Bullying and Depression, n.d.). Depression is very common especially when it is linked to