Genesis 1 Essay

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Genesis 1: Genesis 1 in the Bible is the beginning of the universe and how God created life. At the beginning, God created Earth and Heaven and demanded there to “be light (genesis 1).” On the first day, God created Day and Night. On the second day, He created heaven and Earth. On the third day, He created plants with seeds. On the fourth day, He created the sun, moon, and heavenly bodies. On the fifth day, He created fish and birds. On the last day, He created land animals and humans. While reading the passage, I contemplated a few questions that came to mind. First, in verse 2, the Bible states that “Earth was without form, and void” but the spirit of God was able to “move along the face of the waters.” It might so happen to be that I …show more content…

First, why did Adam not object to Eve pulling the fruit from the tree and eating it when he was standing behind her and then choices to eat the fruit after she does? He knew it was wrong and so did she but the blame was not shared equally. Furthermore, why did Adam blame his wife when he loved her so dearly knowing there would be devastating consequences for the both of them? Also , if God is all-knowing or had common sense, why did he punish Eve so heavily by forcing her to be below a man when Adam had the same choice to eat the fruit and he choose the same thing? Why was Eve punished so harshly and why did God not see that Adam was being cowardly which is a sin along with eating the fruit? The passage also prompts questions about the wrongness of being naked. Why is it wrong to be naked and if it is wrong, why did God create all living things to be naked if it is wrong? Genesis 3 seems to have a dual meaning. The first being the explanation of why man is above woman (though we now know that as incorrect) and why mankind is not in the Garden of Eden. It also explains why we are more superior to the other species. The other meaning is a warning that there are consequences if you don’t follow the rules laid down. The consequences can be quite severe and harm other people along with