Glasser's Choice Theory Of Cognitive Development

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A Chinese philosopher, Xun Zi once said, “Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity.” I believe the opposite is true. Human nature is good and it’s through intentional activity that we become evil. If our progression through the stages of Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development or Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral reasoning, occurs in a normal to semi normal environment then we should be able to go on to lead fulfilling lives. However, if we experience trauma and/or abuse during those stages and especially if it goes untreated or continues for a length of time then our nature is only a reflection of what we experienced during those formative years. I do believe under most circumstances we can change our behaviors. The …show more content…

Part of my rationale for Glasser, is his theory was blended into my master’s degree. I had the opportunity to view Quality School setting across the United States, which allowed me to see “real world” application to his theories. Once I was able to correlate Glasser’s five basic needs (survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun), to the high school students I taught, I embraced his ideas. I quickly realized the strongest unfilled need for high schoolers is usually freedom. I will remember that as I become a counsellor. Like I mentioned in my multimedia presentation in our last assignment, I have embraced Glasser’s Seven Caring Habits and keep a copy in my desk drawer. I will use those habits and convey them onto teachers who are struggling with students. I will help teachers understand the importance of giving our students’ freedom over their learning and classroom routines as much as possible. As a counselor I will use the Glasser’s Reality Therapy and work with students to help them understand the only person’s behavior we can control is our own. I’ll work with them to look at ways they can change or improve in their acting or thinking in order to minimize or eliminate the conflict. I will reinforce to them they can only control their actions and not the actions of others. In the words of Dr. Glasser, I will do my best “Using no control and using humor will build a relationship and make a dent to where the client puts the counselor in their quality world and then begins to relate and seek out the counselor. Effective therapy begins with the acceptance of the therapist into the client's quality