Good Aspects Of Joining Greek Life

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Another great aspect of joining Greek life and finding an appropriate group to be a part of is the numerous amount of networking opportunities that are available. David Marmaros and Bruce Sacerdote, authors of ‘Peer and Social Networks in Job Search’, conducted research on Dartmouth College seniors who would use social networks to find a job. After conducting their research, it was shown that “Students networking with fraternity and sorority members and alumni are most likely to obtain high paying jobs”, depending on how strong the connection was between the employment company and the organization, (Marmaros, Sacerdote. Of course, it is Brenelus 4 possible for an individual outside of a sorority to gain the same amount of opportunities, but …show more content…

Although this may sound like a benefit that is easily achievable, an individual has to be able to prove to their fellow peers that they are someone worthy to push for. It is easy to say that one is affiliated with a certain group but not having the respect from the other members does as much as an individual who is doing it by themselves. In terms of networking, being around and having influential friends who could help benefit in terms of aiding in job placement and internships, could be the deal breaker for many college students. Joining an organization that allows one to be around others who are similar to themselves; such as a sorority, could enhance not only an individual’s social status, but also help promote higher academic performance, and achieve a better outcome in terms of networking. Being a part of a group that allows an individual to find out and learn more about themselves sounds more appealing and beneficial due to the fact that there are several other members