Greek Mythology: The Three Ancient Greek Gods

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There have been a lot of polytheistic cultures in the ancient world. Whether it is the ancient Egyptians or the Mesopotamians, but the most famous believe system is widely regarded as the ancient Greek Olympian gods. They had many famous gods, demi-gods, and other types of creatures. These beings may stretch from a minotaur to the god Athena. But, the three most famous of the deities are Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. These three gods are brothers and arguably the most powerful of all their gods and other deities. These beings shaped a lot of the literature and how the people of this time lived. These gods controlled everything that they did. Because they were afraid to make the gods mad; if this was to happen the gods were going to curse them. But where did these gods originate from and how do these three gods differ and how are they similar. …show more content…

Their father is a titan named Cronus. Their father was worried of that the gods were going to over throw him so he ate all of the gods when they were born. But the mother, Rhea, hid their youngest son. The name of this son is Zeus. With the help of Gaia the mother of Cronus and Rhea, yes they were siblings. They took him to Crete that way Cronus could get the munchies and eat him. Then, in all seriousness and hilarity, Zeus is raised by a holy goat named Amaltheia. Then, once he became an adult, he saved his brothers and sisters. They do not know how specifically but there are a lot of ideas of how he saved them. He either forced them to vomit them up or he had a formula to force him to puke them up. But no matter how he did it he forced Cronus to do it. With this he then took over the titans and then he exiled them out of Olympia. When