For this assignment, after observing the gross motor activity of two infants, I will describe five gross motor behaviors of each and answer the assigned questions. The five behaviors that I observed in the first infant, which was a six (6) month old female, were that she was holding her own head up, sitting with support, moving her head to follow an object, reaching for and grabbing at a toy, and swallowing food without spitting anything out. All of these behaviors are noted to be developmental milestones that can be expected at the age of six (6) months when the large muscles of the leg, back, and neck have developed and are strong enough to accomplish these skills. It requires postural control as the foundation, which is connected with sensory …show more content…
The infants advance in areas such as going from needing support to sit at six (6) months of age to almost walking, or sometimes walking independently, at twelve (12) months and from reaching or grabbing at a toy to playing independently with toys. They understand more. They are learning to think, figure things out, and copy the behaviors of others. Strength is increasing and they are gaining control of their muscles and body movements. They are balancing better and learning their surroundings and what is a safe place and surface to crawling, pulling themselves up, or walking. They can judge and assess situations before going ahead and crawling or walking on a sloped surface. The gross motor movement behaviors that I observed are comparable with the general descriptions in our text Child Development (Santrock, 2014). In conclusion, when examining the gross motor movement of infants that are two (2) separate ages, six (6) months and twelve (12) months, there are definitive differences in what each is able to accomplish and the infants that I chose to observe seemed to be accomplishing the milestones and development that is expected for their