Gun Control Is Bad Essay

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Guns do not determine the likelihood of a gun-related crime to be committed, but the improper and careless misuses of guns do enhance the probability of a crime being committed. Every time a mass shooting occurs, people respond in the same way. They call for stricter gun control laws in order to make it more difficult for criminals to obtain weapons. However, we should take a closer look at the killer behind the trigger as oppose to blaming the outright presence of guns in our society. For example, when examining the price of gun control, Dan Baum brings up a new perspective when he states that by Americans “obsessing over inanimate pieces of metal, we avoid looking at what brings us more often than others to commit violent acts” (Chaffee 180). …show more content…

Of course most of the mass killings we read about in America involve a gun because they are so easily obtainable, but the chances are that criminals not being able to get their hands on a gun would not stop them from committing the crime. In fact, it would just force them to obtain the firearm illegally or find a different weapon because the fact is that most mass killers do not decide to kill because they happen to stumble across a gun, they kill for some other reason buried deep within their troubled conscious. Criminals do not commit crimes because of the mere presence of guns, they commit crimes because of their own decision making and lack of care when in possession of a firearm. One of the main reasons criminals commit crimes in the first place is because of hatred. Emotions can make us do some horrific things and hate is one of the strongest emotions there is that can have an influence on our actions. Hatred can certainly cloud our judgment when in possession of thoughts of self-sorrow and

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