Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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30,000 deaths each year are caused by gun violence. Some are blamed on immaturity, some ignorance, and others on the thought that the United States’ people are living in a “rebellious teenager” state of mind. The public has become unconscious to mass violence because they are told there is no solution, causing them to move on from such tragedies. Stricter laws to obtaining these weapons may be a start. A greater restriction on gun control throughout America is necessary due to the violence and danger this firearm is capable of. Guns are in the wrong hands. People with unstable mentalities should not be considered safe to own a weapon of any kind. “John R. Houser was dangerously mentally ill, too ill to carry a gun… hospitalized for psychiatric …show more content…

The only problem is that the government does not all see eye-to-eye. “We're going to keep chipping away at this, but until you get intense public demand for this, it's probably not going to happen because some special interest and lobbyists in Washington are really, really strong and their membership feels very intensely about the issue.” (President Obama). The White House is pushing towards stricter gun control legislation. However, they have had challenges working with Congress. According to Tom Mauser, a gun-control activist whose son was killed during a shooting at his school, the public has become numb to mass violence because of their government. “They're told by their governor, their political leaders, that there's no solution. So they don't see a solution out there.” (Tom Mauser). If more action and care is taken, the people will have a chance to see hope rather than no solution. Society has begun to favor the idea of individuality over trusting the government which makes individuals believe it is okay to do what they want with their weapons. A majority of gun owners are against the thought of any firearm regulation by the government however, due to the 30,000 gun casualties every year, these regulations must be seen as mandatory and important not just an idea or

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