Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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In the modern time, the gun shootings have become a rather usual practice and caused a significant number of fatal accidents. Considering that there are around three hundred million firearms owned in private ownership in the United States, that appears to be almost one gun per one American. Due to the ever increasing number of firearm death and accidents, a part of the society believes that the United States need a stricter gun ownership control. At the same time, their opponents claim that stricter laws would not solve the problem, still, would violate one of the constitutional rights. Nevertheless, the firearms ownership in the United States should be subjected to a harder control since it would allow reducing a definite number of risks.
First of all, the supporters of the introduction of more severe gun control claim that the new laws would contribute to the decrease in the number of gun death. It is proven that a person owning a gun is more eager to commit suicide or to get involved in a fierce conflict that would end with shooting and perhaps event with death. For example, recently, “Zarriel Trotter was caught in the middle of what police call a "heated argument" down the …show more content…

Even though the legal owner of the firearm knows how to behave with it, if the weapon appears in the wrong hands or the hands of a criminal, this might lead to negative outcomes. A gun is a product that is easy to be carried out and relatively easy to be sold, which means that they can often be stolen. For example, it is worth to mention the case of T. J. Lane who brought a gun to Chardon High School. This gun belonged to belonged to “his uncle, who had bought it in 2010, at a gun shop” in an entirely legal way (Lepore). The boy simply found this gun in grandfather's barn, and this resulted in a shooting and three

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