Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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No topic has captured the depth of media’s attention such as the everlasting issue of the regulation of firearms. Anti-gun control supporters believe gun control would be counterproductive to solving the complication of gun violence, while pro-gun control supporters think it will be a good resolution to the problem. This discussion has become extremely heated issue. Stricter gun control laws are necessary and beneficial to the protection and security for the nation as a whole. Gun control opponents’ claim that restrictions on firearms would not decrease violence instead institute the opposite and leave citizens defenseless, using Washington and Chicago as evidence; however these claims are misinformed and unsupported. Chicago’s high crime rates aren’t a result of their strict gun laws, instead a result of the states surrounding Chicago like Indiana with lax gun control. 60 percent of guns used in Chicago’s criminal violence come from out of state. Gun control deters gun violence, in fact national homicide rates drastically decreased from 1980 to 2000, as a result of increased gun regulations. America has one the highest rates of death from gun violence, while other countries like the U.K and …show more content…

A study on death from unintentional shootings found that 8% of unintentional shootings were caused by children under the age of six. 1,670 died from a gunshot and 9,718 children 18 and under were injured in 2013. In states with increased gun availability the deaths were higher for child gun deaths than in a strictly regulated gun availability. In families own guns 73 percent of children under 10 know where there parent keep their guns and 36 percent admit handling the gun before. According to the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems, 400 children under 18 are treated for fire arms injuries in common wealth every year. Thus, Proving due to lack of gun restrictions children easy can acquire