
Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." over thirty-eight percent of people in the United States believe n that the gun laws and gun control are not strict enough. And twelve percent of people believe that the gun laws in America are very good and work very effectively. It’s all a matter of opinion just like anything else in this country. But a lot of people miss use the name AR-15 and lack a lot of basic knowledge on firearms such how to handle them and what the true meaning of having them is and last but certainly not least, what the second amendment means and why it was created in the first place. People need to hear the truth about firearms, what they were meant for and that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Also, people of the united states believe that it is not a necessity to own a firearm …show more content…

It is a right just how we have a right to our firearms in America. It is anyone’s opinion and decision if they want to own a firearm. But people try to protest and take away the law-abiding citizens rights. Peoples opinions should not affect the law-abiding if people follow laws and do what they are supposed to then you have no right to take away their rights. Just how they can not take away your freedom to have your own opinion in this country. No one should have their rights stripped of them because the actions of others, just how if someone was to say something offensive they would strip the rights of many other Americans due to the actions of that one person. My point in this paragraph is that you have your rights and no matter what people do should never change that, your rights are your rights. That’s what this country was founded on and it will remain the foundation of this great

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