Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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I am not here to argue or say you are wrong in any part of this. I have written this to express my feelings toward the topics that have arose within the last week since the shooting in Florida. Again, this is my opinion and I believe it deserves to be heard just like yours, and everyone else's. We only ever talk about one side of the argument, never the other, and even as you said yesterday by the end of the day(our class) you are tired of talking about and disagreeing about the topic of gun control and gun violence.
I respect you as a person, as a teacher, and I understand my opinion may not agree to your’s. I understand you have a set schedule on what to teach and how to teach it, and i respect that, but every once in a while our voices need to be heard on certain things that are affecting our lives as they progress.
You also said as a high school student growing up in small town Iowa, I don’t know what it’s like and you are 100% right. I know for a fact that I …show more content…

But no guns should not be more controlled. Explain to me how you are going to control guns once they are brought into a home of someone well educated and allowed to own and operate a gun. Once the gun leaves the place of purchase it is up to the owner who knows about, operates, and has access to the gun(s). This is a mental health issue. We are cutting programs that were in place to help those who need it. We need to reestablish the fact guns are not the cause for violence it is the person behind the gun pulling the trigger. The fact people are saying they fear someone with a gun is outrageous. All my life I've seen a gun sit there not one time did IT get up and put the trigger. We need to come to realize it's a people problem, it's mental health, it is everything across the board. But not once should the gun be to blame. Doing nothing will accomplish nothing, yes, but doing the wrong thing will only end up with a worse