Gun Rights Argumentative Essay

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America’s history has been involved with guns since The Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment’s purpose is to have the people’s right to keep and bear arms. Gun rights advocates do not want more burdens placed on law-abiding citizens because the criminals are the ones breaking the law and this group of people feel that these bans and other burdens are unfair to law-abiding citizens of the world. Individuals are able to acquire guns a lot easier because of the internet and because there are no background checks required online, so when people buy guns from private sellers, they can do so at a young age. Gun rights advocates argue that the right to bear arms stops criminal attacks 2.5 million times every year (Gun Violence: Opposing Viewpoints). Gun rights groups, like the National Rifle Association (NRA), support better enforcement of existing gun laws. Gun rights advocates have a position on universal background checks, raising the age to purchase guns, and the assault weapons ban.
Gun rights are a different point of view than gun violence prevention. People who support the gun rights feel that that universal background checks, raising the age necessary to purchase a gun, and the assault weapons ban are not needed to protect the …show more content…

This ban on sales to anyone under 21 will cause individuals to be unprotected and more likely to be injured or killed by a firearm. This group of people also argue that, in an opinion article on, written by John Lott, a columnist for Fox News, he states that, “18-year olds can vote and serve in the military, where some of them can handle fully automatic weapons in combat to defend our nation. So why can’t they make decisions to save their own lives or the lives of others,”