Gun Violence In Schools Essay

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Everyday millions of kids go to school to gain an education so that they can grow up and provide for themselves and their families, but some will never get the chance due to unsafe environments. More than 187,000 students attending at least 193 primary or secondary schools have experienced a shooting on campus during school hours (Cox). Today’s society deals with numerous accounts of gun violence that result in mental illnesses as well as distinct effects on communities and children’s lives. In modern society, there have been several effects on the lives of children due to the harmful impacts of guns. According to CWLA National Blueprint, it states that youth that are exposed to chronic trauma can experience inhibited brain development, producing a lasting impact on life outcomes (Collins). Based on Garbarino, the author of an article in effects on youth, gun violence leads various negative emotional impacts on children. Children exposed to …show more content…

According to CWLA, there has been dramatic growth in the number of children with mental health problems, and that service providers must work effectively to inform the public on childhood mental illnesses. It was further noted that many parents, teachers, and workers are often uneducated regarding mental health conditions and, as a result, fail to identify early signs of mental illness. In addition it was pointed out that even once treatment is received and a diagnosis is given, many adults lack knowledge about specific mental illnesses and are unsure of how to interact with children and youth with a mental health problem. In order to solve this, we must educate parents, teachers, and other prominent figures on the symptoms of mental illnesses. In addition to reducing risk factors, we must also help children to shield themselves from the negative mental health outcomes that frequently result from exposure to traumatic life events

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