Gunman Attack Essay

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On January 6th, 2017, a lone gunman opened fire in the baggage claim area of the Fort-Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport. As a result of the attack, five people were killed and 6 others were injured by gunfire. Along with those numbers, 37 others were wounded do to the chaos. The gunman, Esteban Santiago, took a flight from Alaska to Florida, where he carried out the attack. Before boarding his flight in Alaska, he checked in an unloaded firearm and ammunition within his luggage. Once he arrived in Florida, he took his bag into the nearest bathroom and loaded the firearm. After the firearm was loaded, he opened fire on innocent bystanders. Many of which, who arrived in Fort Lauderdale in order to board a cruise. According to family …show more content…

Controlled processes must have been used because, when he brought the gun and walked into the bathroom and loaded it, he had a plan that he was determined to execute the attack. In order to not get caught immediately and decide where the largest crowd was, he had to use a controlled process to execute the perfect plan. As for the fundamental attribution error, after the incident, many opinions formed relating to why the gunman carried out the attack. Many people expressed that the gunman was a mean person who wanted to kill, because he did not like society. While this may have been partly true, many people ignored some of the extrinsic factors that may have contributed to him making these rash decisions. A few days after the shooting, it was addressed that the gunman had been overseas as a part of the US Military. The gunman’s family expressed that he saw many tragic things overseas and was not the same person since he returned. It can be noted that the gunman may have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This would be considered an extrinsic factor that may have resulted from the traumatic things he saw during the war. Many people overlooked this particular factor and immediately blamed the gunman for being a horrible citizen. While it may be true, he is a horrible citizen, the effect of the war was very likely an extrinsic factor that contributed to his rash decision to carry out this deadly