HCA Personal Statement

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During last 4 years working as Sr. Test Data Analyst at HCA has been rewarding, both personally and professionally. Personally, it gave me satisfaction with the difference I am making in the lives of patients and contributing to the positive impact on the future of healthcare. Professionally, I learned new healthcare technologies that helped advance my career in the healthcare and with plenty of room to grow. “IT Healthcare Connection”, a program at HCA gives IT professionals an opportunity to visit the hospitals, spend time with the hospital staff in various departments. By participating in this 1 week program, I earned an opportunity to spend quality time with hospital staff in the ED, OR, SDS, Pharmacy, Labs, NICU, and other departments. This gave me a sense of how each person in IT department plays a crucial role (directly / indirectly) in taking care of the …show more content…

With more than 2100 Massey Alumni, Belmont University has a strong network in the Nashville area which makes it a perfect choice for pursuing higher education in Healthcare. An MBA from Belmont can clearly present me with opportunities to reach my short-term and long-term goals. Small classroom size at Belmont, is a perfect opportunity to work 1 on 1 with professors and gain personal attention catering to my career needs. It also enables for excellent networking opportunities with the peers. The international study program offers an excellent opportunity to experience both business and culture of the visiting country. Broaden my thinking, develop knowledge and skills to manage in a globalized economy. “Massey Passport Program”, a program which allows the alumni to return to campus and attend additional courses at no additional cost distinguishes Belmont from its peers. It offers an excellent opportunity to alumni to keep up with the ever changing world of

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