HOSA Personal Statement

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The simplest way to put my high school career into a single unconditional word of hope, altruism. Whether it was health occupation students of America, Mu-alpha theta, debate or shadowing a veterinarian, my school efforts all revolved around the central idea that no one person deserves anything more or less than anyone else. After rejecting the idea of self hedonism I realized that my life should be dedicated to the passion of helping others. As cliche as the knights have become, maybe their symbol has more meaning than their prestiges may hint at. My academic achievements were never enough to fulfill the desires of my capitalist heart. Although I have top 8%, although I am 39th ranked, although I got a 2100 on my SAT, these statistics had …show more content…

HOSA created a structural foundation for my entire senior year. My interaction within HOSA helped me realize what I wanted to do for my career and furthermore, helped me realize that becoming a general practitioner most fits my requirements of desire. Debate and mu-alpha theta became the walls and skills that embraced my foundation, helping me solidify skills that I would need for the future. As I placed in state for debate, I learned communication skills and inter-relational skills that I would have never had the chance to form before. I managed to maintain connections from Wisconsin to New York back to little old Texas with a party of 5 for a year and even more importantly they have become friends that I have learned to trust. Chess, national honor society and interact became my archer towers, moats and peasants. Taking these other clubs helped me become more involved in my personal interests as well as societal interests. As chess club president with a dying club, I managed to increase membership from 5 to 23 but not without bringing trophies to our high school. My interaction with volunteers helped bring me to a different aspect of society that I would have acknowledged but never understood, the

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