HLSU Application Report

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Applying for this position was a journey. I went from loving the idea to completely doubting myself capable of doing it. This process helped me understood the reasons why I want to serve my community and try to obtain the Director position. The Hispanic Latino Student Union (HLSU) has been the “family away from home” that it promised to be. But it also has been way more than that; HLSU has been moral support, leadership training, and network opportunities. Being a member of the HLSU board gave me the chance to realize that we serve an important role here at FSU. I truly believe that HLSU unifies and serves the Hispanic/Latino community at FSU and if I am granted the opportunity to serve as Director I would ensure that this continues. HLSU has made it its purpose to unite, serve, and inform the Hispanic/Latino community at FSU and …show more content…

I aspired to contribute to this mission. Our community is considered a collectivist society which means that we focus on the success of the whole rather than success as an individual. I want to be able to be a resource for students of our community to succeed here at FSU. It can be hard for members of the hispanic/latino community to find their place at a predominantly white institution such as FSU. If it wasn’t for my involvement within HLSU I wouldn't have found a group of people I relate to and could share experiences with. HLSU was a resource that I used to find a reason to stay involved on campus and be proud of my heritage. As college student, we sometimes lose the connections we have with our home countries and heritage. I want HLSU to serve as an resources for student to stay connected to their roots. I want