
Hamlet Analytical Essay

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The study of digital electronics, which researches the logical relationship between an input and output, is parallel to the plot progression of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, suggesting that if people do not give careful consideration before taking actions, they are more likely to fail. In a digital system, the input signals must contain logical variables in order to receive the correct result and an input that is not logical will result in errors and provides with wrong results in the end. This particular feature of digital electronics can be compared to the sudden shock from the death of Hamlet’s father in the first part of the play when it distracts and prevents Hamlet from giving careful considerations and eventually results in his tragic …show more content…

In the very beginning, Hamlet couldn’t make up his mind to do so, because it is against his character to commit murder. Yet he changes his mind when his uncle, King Claudius, sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to test whether he is really mad or not, because he immediately discovers that they are spies. Frustrated at the feeling of betrayed by his childhood friend, he decides to find evidence against Claudius before enacting his revenge. Therefore, he decides to ask some actors to perform a play that visualizes his father's murder, during which he can carefully observe Claudius's reaction. He believes that this play can gather him more evidence and get him closer to the …show more content…

With the decision to gather more evidence before taking revenge against Claudius, he carries out the play in order to observe Claudius’ reaction. After seeing the King in the play murdered by pouring poisons into his ear, Claudius abruptly rises and leaves, making Hamlet believe that Claudius is guilty and decides to proceed his revenge: “’Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on. (3.2.395-397)” However, when Hamlet is about to kill Claudius, he discovers that Claudius is praying and confessing his sins. Hamlet then decides not to kill Claudius during his pray, claiming that this would send him to heaven, which would not be a fitting punishment for a man who has killed his father that was unprepared for

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