Hannah Baker's Mistakes

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more of a lie each time it is passed from mouth to mouth. The lie that was spread had become who Hannah was, Clay himself hadn’t given her a second chance because he believed the rumors and Hannah had just become another person that “was beyond [him]”(Asher). More than a couple of the tapes Hannah had recorded mentioned something along the lines of a rumor that made her out to be a slut. Alex Standall put Hannah down as hot in the “FRESHMAN CLASS-WHO’S HOT/WHO’S NOT”(Asher) list and this made Hannah’s friend, her only friend Jessica, jealous. Hannah felt like Jessica had "punch[ed] [her] in the stomach and a slap[ed] [her] in the face.”(Asher). She said on one of her tapes that “It's a knife in [her] back because you’d rather believe some made-up rumor than what you knew to be true"(Asher). Jessica …show more content…

Instead she took everything too seriously and got jealous of Hannah’s likeableness. Had Jessica ignored the rumors, she and Hannah could have gone on being friends and when Hannah had her distressing, depressing, and deteriorating thoughts Jessica would be there to help her through them. Hannah needed a support system to help her through tough times. As we read the book “Thirteen Reasons Why” we find out that Clay Jensen is the boy listening to the tapes about Hannah Baker’s suicide. Clay can’t believe his name is on Hannah’s list because he does not believe he did anything to Hannah, however that is where he is wrong. Clay continues to listen to all of the tapes, waiting to hear his name come up and when he does come up he is relieved to hear Hannah saying "Clay, honey, your name does not belong on this list"(Asher). Hannah explains to the