
Harry Potter Clinical Depression

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My most favorite series book since I professed as religious sister is Harry Potter. I have read it and reread it more than 10 times. This series is all about the chosen boy who do not know his own legend. He is in pain and suffer in numerous experiences. He loses his beloved ones again and again. On other hand he gains a special bond with his best friends. In each his darkest times, his hope still springs up inside his heart. The author JK. Rowling created one character which represents her own clinical depression and distress is dementor. Dementors can therefore be viewed as a metaphor for depression. Harry is affected by this dementors more than others. To get rid of this soulless creature, Harry has to find his real happiness to cast patronus …show more content…

“Evil is the absence of something Good” As an example…Does cold exist? Cold is a word created to describe a situation involving the absence of heat. It does not have an existence in itself, only in relation to a lack of heat energy. Similarly, hate is an absence of love. Hate is definitely not a nature of human being. Actually by my post experience, I absolutely hate one person. I tarnish image of God inside me. During working at Mother Mary of Lourdes parish, I was the one who was stabbed at the back with my fellow sister many times. I was so bitter and resentful about the whole thing. I was treated unjustly because I chose to stand firm for the truth and justice. I cried with anger and bitterness all alone very long time. This situation put me further down into an abyss of hate. I became maudlin and full of self-pity. I tried to find someone who could understand sympathetically. I called and kept reiterating my chaos story to my both men and women friends frequently. At first everybody seem to participate with mine. They usually encouraged and gave me good advises. I took advantage from their fellow feeling. But no one …show more content…

He works in ways we cannot see. He will make a way for me He will be my guide, Hold me closely to His side with love and strength for each new day He will make a way, He will make a way’ By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me. And rivers in the desert will I see Heaven and Earth will fade but His Word will still remain And He will do something new today.” But not this time, I did not remember how many time I played this song. I put every lyrics into my heart again and again. I kneeled down, closed my eyes and place my hand on my heart. I cried again with gratitude and appreciation. For the first time, I saw myself clearly. For the first time, I see the light of new day from the darkest night. Even I could not recover or change the situations. I did not care anymore because I found my hope and truth. I treasured the first redemptive

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