Hawaii Needs The Rail Essay

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Hawaii Needs the Rail The Rail Project in Hawaii has big plans for homeowners. The voting for the rail project started in 2008 (HART 2). Along with the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project, its purpose is to provide high-capacity rapid transit in the highly congested transportation corridor situated between Kapolei, UH Manoa and Waikiki (HART 7). Traffic is However, the Honolulu Rail Project is important to the people in Hawaii because it will improve faster mobility, transit reliability, and service equity, while improving access to master planned development. The state officials plan for the Honolulu Rail Project to help with traffic and faster transportation. In 2008, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and voters approved the start of the project. During that same year in the general election, 50.6% of Honolulu voters said yes to the charter amendment question. It reads; “Shall the powers, duties, and functions of the city, through its director of …show more content…

The ridership on TheBus ranks 3rd or 4th highest in the country, we can predict that people will use a rapid transit system here. The City and County of Honolulu predicts that with a rapid transit system, ridership will increase 30 percent over present ridership of The Bus (LWV 5). The proposed system will travel about 50 miles per hour, and could be expected to reduce travel times by a half to a third over what they now are. Compared to travel on roadways, a rapid transit system is especially efficient because no delays would occur due to cars breaking down and car accidents that block lanes and cause traffic jams, sometimes for many hours (Civilbeat 1). Whereas a few Cons for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project are; Finance, Honolulu is too small a city to sustain rail even if all rides diverted to transit occur in peak periods, and traffic reduction would be small (LWV