Ontario Transportation Policy Paper

1311 Words6 Pages

6.0 Policies
Planning Act The Planning Act provides land use planning rules in Ontario, stating how to and who can control land uses (Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 2011). The Planning Act calls for the province to provide sustainable development that supports public transit and is pedestrian-oriented (Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 2011).

Provincial Policy Statement 2014 The Provincial Policy Statement, under the Planning Act, guides land use planning and development and supports producing strong communities, clean, healthy environments, and economic growth (Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 2014). Some policies regarding infrastructure that the HSR must follow are:
• Policy 1.1: Managing and Directing Land Use to Achieve Efficient and Resilient Development and Land Use Patterns – Infrastructure and public service facilities must be able to meet current and projected needs, as well as refrain from unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion.
• Policy 1.6.7: Transportation Systems – Transportation systems should move people and goods, addressing projected needs and maintaining connections with other transportation systems and municipalities. In addition, the amount of vehicle trips should be minimized, while transit and active transportation should be promoted.
• Policy 1.6.8: …show more content…

The RTP sets out 13 goals, including transportation choices, safe and secure mobility, smaller carbon footprint and lower greenhouse gas emissions, multi-modal integration, and interconnectedness (Greater Toronto Transportation Authority, 2008). Ten strategies and nine priority actions are also highlighted. Furthermore, the RTP notes that there will be connections outside the GTHA, including Kitchener-Waterloo (Greater Toronto Transportation Authority,