Health Promotion Examples

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In Community Health there are three levels of prevention. Primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention is prevention of problems before they occur. Here health promotion and health protection is focused. Immunizations and health promotion are examples of primary prevention. In Warren County, Family and community health services offer immunizations for infant and school aged children up to age 18. They also offer evaluation and education of Child growth and development. They have sanitation inspection and immunization audits in child care centers as primary prevention available to community residents. Secondary prevention includes early detection and intervention to get early diagnosis and treatment. Examples of …show more content…

Examples of tertiary prevention in a community are, Emergency medical services, community mental health services for chronic mentally ill and shelter and rehabilitation centers for fire or earth quake victims. Family Guidance Center of Warren County offers rehabilitation services and substance abuse treatment. The Gateway Partial Care Day Program offers intensive treatment services for up to 5 days per week, five hours per day, to individuals affected by mental illness. Intensive Outpatient Program offers structured, intensive, individualized clinical activities designed to stabilize the client and promote the recovery process. The Family Guidance Center of Warren County also offers a Crisis Intervention 24 hour hotline, which is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to provide immediate response to Warren County residents. It offers round the clock mobile outreach into the community to offer assessment, crisis stabilization and early intervention during a mental health crisis. Community Nursing Diagnosis Healthy People is a set of goals and objectives with 10-year targets designed to guide national health promotion and disease prevention efforts to improve the health of all people in the United States. The community diagnosis from Healthy People 2020 can be formulated as Nutrition and weight status. Diet and body weight are related to health status. Good …show more content…

Enhance infrastructure to support walking, which can be measured by measuring total miles of paved sidewalks relative to the total street miles. Infrastructure that supports walking includes sidewalks, footpaths, walking trails, and pedestrian crossings. Walking is a regular, moderate-intensity physical activity in which relatively large numbers of persons can engage. Well-developed infrastructure supporting walking is an important element of the built environment and has been demonstrated to be associated with physical activity in adults and children. Evaluation of the outcome can be done by observing more adults are children walking through streets. 2. Improve availability of mechanisms for purchasing foods from farms, which can be measured by getting total annual number of farmer-days at farmers ' markets per 10,000 residents within a local jurisdiction. Evaluation of the outcome can be done by observing people buying fresh fruits and vegetables from farmers