Health Without Steroids Research Paper

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Pump Up Your Health Without Steroids: Top 5 Raw food Gurus If you long for excellent health, an elevated immune system, and energy like a teenager, then it is time for you to take action. With a change in your diet, there is no reason that you should have anything but the strong and pain-free body and physique that you desire. Yes, there are promises of body-building supplements and even prescription pills guaranteed to make you a super-dude, but they'll keep your purse empty. If they're composed of synthetic ingredients, they even have the potential to build-up toxic matter in your fatty tissues. Did you ever hear someone comment that a particular vitamin pill made them queasy, and that it interfered with digestion? Avoid the pills, and build up your immune system with the vitamins and minerals that are abundant in plant-based, whole foods. There is a better way. In fact, there are five …show more content…

Learn To Turn Off Disease With Nutritionist's T. Colin Campbell PhD and Thomas M. Campbell MD Their book, The China Study, resulted from 20 years of research with Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. They discovered that disability concerns from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, poor digestion and aging can actually change into hope for happy recoveries and even reversals from disabling maladies when these alternative whole-food choices are made. The healing secrets are in nutrient-dense, raw, plant-food diets. The vegan diet is in, and the processed, fast-food, malnutrition choices are out. Your body needs fuel in order to make cell repairs and to regenerate damaged tissue. Make your major food choices at your organic farmer's markets, and start feeling revitalized and young again. You can do it. 2. Reboot With Joe Cross If you're feeling like you're fat, sick and nearly dead, then according to the filmmaker, Joe Cross, it's time for some raw green juice. Be adventurous, and toss in some spinach leaves and a raw

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