Healthy School Menu Research Paper

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I have been asked to write about what the lunch menu should be at my school. I can chose between a new and improved healthy lunch menu or stick with the normal everyday cafeteria menu that the students love. Currently, I'm not sure where I stand. Do I think and want a new menu that will benefit me? Or do I want to keep the others happy and stick with what they love? In this paper I'm going to describe each one. I'm going to talk about a healthier lunch menu as well as the normal, everyday one. You'll read about all the healthy possibilities out there and their benefits. Not only am I going to cover the healthy foods but I'm going to cover the normal, everyday cafeteria food as well. By the end, I hope that you will agree with what I have decided. …show more content…

I know I have! Every time I want to lose weight, I always think about eating healthier than what I usually do. I think eating a healthier lunch at school is a fantastic idea. Whenever I eat something healthy, I always feel great afterwards. When you think of something healthy, do you automatically think about vegetables and fruit? I always think that it will taste as horrible as it looks. The thing about healthy foods is that you can look at broccoli, for example, and think "that is going to taste terrible!" With the broccoli though, no one said you had to eat it plain, and by itself, if you add the right spices to it and cook it right it'll taste better than anything you've ever tasted. With eating healthy, there are so many benefits from it. You stay healthy, you wont get overweight, and you can eat as much as you want. Did you know that if you eat healthy, it doesn't mean you have to give up you're favorite foods? You can still eat that pizza that you love so much, you just need to make it healthy. Who knows, you may wind up liking the healthy lifestyle! Healthy food can consist of almost anything. You can eat any type of vegetable, fruit,

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