Henry Ford Informative Speech

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Imagine you get to work and you clock into to your job which pays twice the pay as all of the jobs your friends and Famliy have but when you get there you sit in a tiny station where all day long you do the same thing over and over agian. This job would be quite a degrading boring horrible job would it not? Now that you know that your job is horrible but you get twice the pay you need to know that you work for Ford Motor company and you will be twisting the wrench on all five screws on the front of the car about 50 times a day for the rest of your life. At least you weren 't doing it for less than 5 $ per day like everyone else. This was life in 1910. Henry Ford is the creator of many things and that 's what we will be talking about in this speech his greatest inventions like the assembly line the millions of his great model cars and his ever famous trade mark company Ford. …show more content…

Let 's look at some of the dreams that Henry Ford had his dream was not to make the best car or the fastest or the strongest or even the most comfortable. No, Fords dream was to make a car that was cheap strong easy to make. and able to go on most terrain. many investors looked at ford and said that his dream was of a mad man. Well Fords first automotive vehicle was called a quadracycle which is two bicycles with a gasoline vechile then he made an A-model which was made specifically made for the Rich in his latest perfect model his prize of the keep the T-model was mass produce and prices were as low as 350$ and that at the time was 7000$ in today this was a cheap fast strong durable car that could go through almost all terrains. The only problem was that poeple liked it so much that they couldn 't keep the demands