Henry Ford Through The Early 1900's

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Through the early 1900s Henry Ford Henry Ford
Created the first Mass produced automobile. The “Ford Model T”
Was a smash hit and set records
That Would last up to 45 years!

Henry Ford was born in Greenfield Michigan July 30th 1863. His family later moved to Dearborn a few years later. Henry’s Dad was a businessman and his Mom was a stay at home Mom (as most mothers were in that era). Henry lived a normal life he was just another kid in Michigan nothing was too special in his childhood years But, in Henry’s teens his Dad gave him something : A watch and it seems irrelevant but one day Henry Took that watch apart and reassembled it, He did this multiple times with his and his friends watches… He soon became a repairman for watches (not by trade but as a hobby) and that's what all started Henry’s “engineer trait” …show more content…

Flowers & Bros Machine Shop (a machine shop is where you go to modify metal objects) He later quit and went to Service Steam Engines. Ford also became an Engineer at Edison Illuminating Company after being promoted to Chief engineer Ford had lots of spare time which he then devoted to experimenting on his new “Gasoline Engine”. In 1896 Ford created the first “self propelled vehicle” he named : Ford Quadricycle after test Driving it on June 4th he brainstormed ideas to improve it. With the backing of multiple companies Ford resigned from Edison Illuminating Company and founded “Detroit Automobile Company” Ford Was selling Vehicles of Lower Quality and Higher Prices and Ultimately closed its doors in January of