Heroes Pledge Campaign

870 Words4 Pages

Brooke Snell
Professor Barbara Ley
29 October 2015
The Search for the Real Image Photoshop has become a norm for advertisers and marketers alike. Being defined as “to alter (an image) using this software: Her face is nicely Photoshopped in the ad,” this technique has been widely criticized (“Photoshop”). Due to its controversial nature many pledges have been made against this practice. In an attempt to protect children from photoshopped advertisements that perpetuate an idealized body image and the sexualization/objectification of women, rules need to be put in place in order to stop this. According to a Huffington Post article, Seventeen Magazine has been pushed to change their Photoshop policy because of protests “demanding …show more content…

They have created the Heroes Pledge Campaign and profess that, “we want to make sure that all consumers, especially children, know when a human body has been altered in an ad” ("Truth in Ads #TruthInAds"). They have created a pledge with three requirements for advertisers to sign and further implement. By signing the pledge, advertisers are agreeing to do the following: (1) minimize distortion of physical appearances and (2) if this is done include the label “Truth in Advertising,” and (3) limit the exposure to those under 13 ("Advertisers Pledge Form"). They further clarify the distortion of images as, “only changes to a person's shape, size, proportion, color, removal and/or enhancement of individual features” ("Advertisers Pledge Form"). The label does not need to be applied if simple changes like “clean up a fly-away hair” are made as this is not harmfully altering the images ("Advertisers Pledge Form"). The Brave Girls Alliance has many allies so far, some of which include the following: Eating Disorders Coalition, Shaping Youth, and Women in Media and News. They further encourage everyone to speak up against this issue using the hashtags #TruthInAds and #BraveGirlsWant ("Truth in Ads