High School Classes Vs Ap Classes Essay

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In high school there are a wide range of student. Some are more intelligent than their other peers. The students who want more of an intellectual challenge usually enroll in Advanced Placement classes, or as we call them AP. While the other students take the general high school classes. When comparing and contrasting general high school classes and AP classes there are similarities and differences. These classes involve similarities and differences such as the subjects involved, the learning pace, and the expectations.

With a regular high school class you have you basic subjects math, english, history, and science. In a general high school class they have more options of each subject, like organic chemistry, environmental chemistry and generic chemistry. In the average class they learn at a slower moderate rate, …show more content…

Even though the subjects of the course are similar AP classes do not offer different varieties of the subject. The learning pace in the class is very different. In an AP course the class learns at an accelerated speed, and the teachers spend at most two weeks per lesson. In the learning the class focuses more on details of the subject at hand. The learning is also altered, the students not only learn from the teacher but the surrounding peers as well. The teachers do not help the students as much and prefers to have group work and have students help one another. In an advanced class the expectations are much higher. With the same expectations as the general class the AP class also expects the students to understand the material for next class and to be capable of doing most things in the class individually. In an Advanced Placement course the students must take a test at the end of the course, if the student receives at least a three out of five the student will receive a college credit. The AP class is also weighted heavier than a general course and will help with class