High School Proofreading Pros And Cons

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The final outcome focuses on the strategies used for revising, editing, and proofreading writing. All throughout high school proofreading and revising my papers has been an easy task that never required much in depth thought, until this course. Because of the corrections provided by my teacher on my papers I’ve gained a better understanding as to what errors I need to be looking for in my papers, and how to fix them. My biggest common error I’ve noticed throughout this course is that I oftentimes fail to expand on my ideas, an observation I wouldn’t have previously noticed. To effectively demonstrate outcome four I selected SA 1 Sequence 1. Our first short paper of our first quarter is a great example of an essay that required a lot of revision. …show more content…

This is the first essay that we did for this class that was marked with revisions by the teacher, and it was my first glimpse at what strengths this class will require. Never had I had a teacher before that cared so much about their students excelling that they took the time to make comments throughout the paper and look for every punctuation and grammar error. When this paper was handed back to me I was astonished at how much purple pen was written all over the pages. A majority of the corrections were punctuation and my use of passive verbs, and then on a few other sections of the paper I failed to expand on my ideas and the author's ideas efficiently. The first step I took to fixing this essay was to of course fix my punctuation, putting commas in the correct places and taking out periods where they don’t belong. Next was to remove my excessive amount of passive voice which proved to be slightly more daunting than fixing my punctuation was but it was a step that I needed to learn to improve in order to be a better writer. Finally, I needed to expand on my ideas. This took me quite awhile, trying to return to a paper and have the same mindset I had when I written it weeks ago seemed …show more content…

The complex writing techniques taught by the University of Washington through the four outcomes have pushed me to become a better writer, and to obtain college writing skills while still in high school. I’ve learned valuable new tactics that will be useful in any of my courses in college and in my future writing career. I learned how to effectively write to different audiences, how to properly revise my papers, how to create a persuasive argument, and finally how to properly research a topic and include that research in my work. I couldn’t have learned all of those incredibly useful writing methods without all of the different essays we’ve written throughout the last two semesters. Each and every essay targets different outcomes and sheds light on different ways to properly fit that outcomes requirements. Through hard work and dedication necessary for every essay is how I learned, in detail, all of the necessities for each of the writing outcomes. While this course may have had a heavy workload that at some points brought me to nearly pull my hair out, I have to say that every stressful moment has been worth it. I’m coming out of this class with confidence about my writing abilities. Before this class every essay I’ve written was simply me spouting words about a novel we’ve read without ever putting much thought into it, now when I write an essay I see all of