High School Sports Director Research Paper

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A brief description of an employment opportunity for being a high school athletics director (AD) will request the person to possess certain skills. Typically those skills require communication and written skills along with a degree in education. It’s generally understood that the primary function of the AD is provide the leadership and management of the entire school’s athletic programs. The responsibilities of being an AD are in addition to teaching duties, thus the requirement for a teacher certification. While words cannot describe what the job really entails I choose to interview a local athletic director from Cross Creek High School, a Georgia Division 2-AAAAA school, Dr. Lisa White. The process of setting up the interviews was extremely frustrating, which I was surprised by being that each one I contacted is an educator. After emailing and telephoning seven different school Dr. Lisa White was the only one with the slightest interest. Below are some of her responses to my questions and …show more content…

Respondent: “VERBAL and WRITTEN” skills. Nothing will get done in an athletic department is the AD cannot communicate what’s, when’s, and whys.
Interviewer: Why would you recommend a career in sports management to a student?
Respondent: Sometime you are no longer able to play the sport that you have enjoyed playing. To keep active in that sport and continue to participate follow the sport management career in that sport. You will have a head start because you’ve played it, love it, and can still grow in the sport. You have to love it because sometimes it doesn’t pay that well.
Interviewer: What are the top two or three tasks that you have to perform daily?
Respondent: Making sure the coaches whose teams are participating currently have everything they need. Paperwork, Paperwork, and more paperwork which has increase due to the concern over concussions or heart problems. Making sure the athletic venue used for the day is