
Hillary Clinton Compare And Contrast Essay

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Abhorrent problems have recently surfaced in the United States, causing many issues between the American Population. When our Founding Fathers helped shape this nation, they expected compassionate and courteous behavior among the citizens to last forever, to imagine if one of them were to see how America is today, would be horrendous. Thomas Jefferson would probably view America as a country that is spiraling out of control, which wouldn’t be completely out of proportion. The United States has many problems when it comes to the lack of racial equivalence, Americans aren’t feeling that the two presidential candidates are fit for the job, overpopulated welfare programs, and the education system.
Presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and …show more content…

Both candidates have expressed their views on many topics, but racial issues are leading the discussions. The recent debate directed only a few topics, but the two still managed to butt heads. According to RealClearPolitics.com, most Americans feel that the problem with these two candidates is that neither one of them can fully be trusted with the title, President of the United States, because both of them have marvelous and atrocious views on how to run the nation and the …show more content…

She supports high numbers on welfare and believes that we should open our doors and let immigrants come in. Doing this would lead to more people on welfare, more overcrowded jails, and more taxation upon the middle and upper class, that would soon lead this country into a swirl of debt, even more than what we are already in. She believes that if we bring in immigrants and Syrian refugees, it will strengthen our ties with the surrounding countries. But at the moment, the US needs to focus on taking care of their own citizens rather than helping the

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