Hillary Clinton Research Paper

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Hillary Clinton: a Leader for Change in the Twenty-First Century So far the twenty-first century has been a time of abundant change and improvements, many different individuals are achieving the means to present a strong voice for their concerns and the world’s ongoing issues. A special individual who has been granted the voice to help improve others’ lives is Hillary Clinton. Born Hillary Rodham October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illion, she was raised in a religious household where her parents taught her to be helpful, caring, and independent. Hillary had a mind for politics and spent time learning about the changing political perspectives throughout her youth. Hillary met her husband, Bill Clinton in college at Yale, and they wed in 1975. …show more content…

In historical societies men seized the power and therefor achieved dominance, this resulted in women receiving few rights, women have fought to obtain the rights that everyone deserves. In previous decades, numerous advancements have arisen in order to grant women their well-deserved rights, especially in western societies. However, there is still a large gap between women and men. A journal written in 1998 discusses many issues with women’s rights and how they should be approached, “Unlike other approaches to women's claims, an approach based on human rights promises the engagement of the responsibility of the state in a way that is internationally recognised and acknowledged.” Women’s rights have been an ongoing battle for the past centuries as many individuals have stood up for what they believe is right and what they actually want to see happen across the …show more content…

At, The Fourth Annual Women in the World Summit, she discussed that even when the world is focused on other duties like the economy or industrialization, the issue of women’s rights should also be discussed. Throughout the speech she tries to motivate everyone with, “Today, more than ever, we see clearly that the fate of women and girls around the world is tied up with the greatest security and economic challenges of our time.” Openly, Hillary Clinton believes that the only way for women’s rights to be attained is to tie them into more prominent topics so that everyone can see what needs to be achieved so that women are granted what should already be theirs. Many nations are living in a state of political unrest, so that is their main focus. However both Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Connors believe nations must incorporate women’s issues into all issue to ensure that women’s rights are heard and are not just ignored because governments think there are more pressing