Holy Spirit Outline

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Research Paper Information Preparation

Submitted to Dr. Brewster, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of

BIBL 364-D05


Sylvia Adiepena
November 27, 2017

The Holy Spirit in The Book of Acts

A. Background Thesis: If there had been no holy spirit, the church would not exist. The holy spirt fueled the movement and spread of the Gospel in the book of Acts, this same spirit continues to guide and enhance the church of God today.
The Promise of The Holy Spirit
A. Power from above – Acts 1:8
1. But you will receive power
2. The Eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ
The Baptism of Holy Spirit
A. Day of Pentecost – Acts 2
1. The holy spirit enters 2. The impartation of the Holy Spirit
B. Creation of the Church
1. The fundamentals and the …show more content…

The Spirit of Enablement and Testimony
1. Authority, Fortification, Expectation & Guidance
2. Progress and Enlargement of The Church
B. The Guidance of The Holy Spirit
1. covenant fulfillment
2. To the very ends of the earth
The importance of The Holy Spirit is shown and actualized within the book of Acts. This is done by the documentation of the character and the effects of filling of the Holy Spirit. Through the writings of Luke, we can get clear visualizations of what God intended the Holy Spirt to accomplish within the Church. The validation of the prophecy from God to send a companion to those who believe in unquestionable. It is the impetus for the development, upliftment, sustenance and the empowerment of the church.

Arrington, French L. “The Indwelling, Baptism, and Infilling with the Holy Spirit: A Differentiation of Terms.” Pneuma 3, no. 2 (Fall 1981): 1–10.
But you shall receive power – right before the ascension Jesus reminded the disciples that though they had been baptized with water by John the Baptist they would be” baptized by the holy spirit”(acts