
Holy Spirit Research Papers

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The Holy Spirit Research Paper
In today's Christian society The Holy Spirit is a topic that we tend to brush over. He is overlooked a great deal and we forget just how powerful He truly is. Through this class I learned more about who the Holy Spirit is, how he moves still today and how He can use us if we allow him to move in our lives. Throughout this paper we will be talking about more in depth about who the Holy Spirit is, what he does and how he uses people just like me and you. The Holy Spirit is still active and moving in the lives and Christians just need to allow him to move and listen to that small but powerful voice.
Who is The Holy Spirit? This is a question that many people of the Christian faith ask them self. I …show more content…

He is active in us and throughout the world. The role of the Holy Spirit has three main categories they are his role on earth, in the church and in the life of the believer. In the world The Holy Spirit is a witness and he testified we see this in John 15:26 “ “When the Counselor comes, the One I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father—He will testify about Me”(HCSB Study Bible). He testifies about Jesus throughout the earth! He is an example of God that we get communicate with and reside with because he dwells not only in us but other christians throughout the world. Another action He does on earth is performing miracles Acts 8:39 “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him any longer. But he went on his way rejoicing”(HCSB Study Bible). He completely healed Philip! He even does this still today a prime example of that is Oral Roberts he was completely healed. Then the Holy Spirit used him in mighty ways throughout him listening to that still small voice throughout his life. The Holy Spirit plays a huge role in the church as well. In The Bible it said where two or more are gathered there the presences of the Lord is (HCSB Study Bible, Matthew 18:20). So when we gather on a Sunday morning the Holy Spirit is able to move even more though us. The Holy Spirit teaches us in John 14:26 “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit—the Father will send Him in My name—will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you”(HCSB Study Bible). The Spirit directs people Acts 8:29 “The Spirit told Philip, “Go and join that chariot”(HCSB Study Bible). We see this in the church when the Holy Spirit directs our Pastor to preach a certain sermon or when the worship pastor chooses his song, it is not by chance that a certain message or song hit you right where you need it on a Sunday morning that is the Holy Spirit working inside

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