Homosexuality Definition Essay

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As define heterosexuality is the practice of attraction to the opposite sex. Within society this practice that is consider to be normal and the “right” way to live and raise families. It is not criticize for one to be a heterosexual, because it is the norm and doesn’t go against religious beliefs and practices. To be a heterosexual there isn’t any societal consequences when it comes to your sex and your preference of your sexuality. Unlike those who are who consider themselves to be Homosexual. Homosexuality is the practice of attraction to those of the same sex. These are the people who are the out-group within society, especially when it comes to raise and growing a family of their own. Being the out-group of society make it difficult to …show more content…

When one omits that he or she are attracted to those of the same sex, they often become rejected, not only by society but also by the ones they share kinship with. Many families of Gays and Lesbians often turn away from them due the orientation of their sexual preference. Within the works of Kath Weston, “Straight is to Gay as Family is to No Family”, she has explained Gays and Lesbians often create their own families by the formation of close friends and lovers when they are rejected from their own biological …show more content…

Although everyone has the rights to have access family, Gays are often restricted from this right as well as others of the past. Gays are consider to be unfit to raise children through societies eye, which is not the case. Within the reading “Navigating Racial Borders: Blacks White Couples and their Social Worlds”, Erica Childs, findings that society of both races and black and white find it hard to expecting a child that is gay or lesbian, as much as it is hard for them to expect that their child is dating someone of the opposite