The Meaning Of Being A Queer

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1.The term "queer" is not universally accepted and as such, has sparked different views concerning its true meaning. I will, therefore, try to present several varying sides of what being a queer means. "Queer" can be used in a political statement to describe the stand of a person in politics or it can be used to describe a person 's sexual orientation. The definition of this term has many dimensions that range from gender identification to a political stand to awkward sensation or state of being. Based on what I saw in the video, the following is my elaboration on what being queer means to me personally, as the term may mean different things to different people.
Being queer is a state of mind. It is a term characterized by accepting and embracing that which is unique. It means opposing everything that is deemed normal. It is about imagining that everyone in the society has the right to be themselves and offer their views freely without being judged or hate which is the opposite of what is normal.
Being queer means thinking beyond binaries like monogamous or non-monogamous, male or female because you believe that every individual has more than two sides. It entails knowing and being fine the reality that we as humans have fluctuating identities and sexualities. Being queer implies that you recognize the existence of alternate gender identities such as genderqueer or transgender and respect the identities as