Horse Domestication

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The Horse
The horse has worked alongside humans for many years. They have served for a number of purposes in the past such as transport and work in agriculture and battle. “Horses are no longer used in battle, the tractor has largely taken over in agriculture and the diesel engine is the main means of transport. Yet, horses are still held to high esteem.” (Vogel, 2011). Today, horses are mainly used for personal leisure and companionship as well as competitions such as horse racing and show jumping.
Horses are thought to have originated from North America over 55 million years ago and then spread to other continents including Europe and Asia. Research shows that the first domestication of horses dates back to nearly 6,000 years ago and it …show more content…

According to the National Geographic, horses can range from being 30 to 69 inches in height and weigh between 120 and 2,000 pounds depending on the breed. Horses have four natural gaits including walk, trot, canter and gallop and can be in a range of different colours such as dapple and bay. They can also have different markings on their head and legs such as a star or blaze. “The domestication of the horse has had a significant impact on transport, agriculture, communication and welfare throughout human history.” (Acorn Internet …show more content…

Acute Laminitis is the initial stage of Laminitis. It is sudden and usually occurs within 24 hours and is usually caused by excessive eating of lush grass or grains. The horse or pony shows signs of lameness, although major damage has not occurred yet.
When a horse or pony is suffering from Acute Laminitis it may be reluctant to walk or move and try to keep their weight off the affected limbs. The forelimbs are most commonly affected by Laminitis although all four limbs can be affected. Animals suffering from Laminitis may also often lie down. They may be reluctant to lift one of their limbs as more weight will be put on the supporting limb causing pain. The soft tissue on top of the affected hoof is often warm to touch. The horse or pony will also show signs of lameness.
Acute Laminitis will lead to Chronic Laminitis if it is not treated early. This is more ongoing and harder to manage. It occurs when the pedal bone sinks into the hoof sole and is not considered an emergency compared to Acute Laminitis as the damage has already been done. Chronic Laminitis generally occurs as a relapse from a previous