How Can Domestic Violence Destroy A Kids Future

1314 Words6 Pages

BLOG ASSIGNMENT – 19102015-04

Title: Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence can destroy a kids future. Kids must be saved from the effects of such families with the help of family members, social organizations, society, and law.

Domestic violence, kids, women, abuse, children, kids world fun


There is so much, that you really should know about domestic violence... besides the fact that it is a serious, widespread social problem in America today.

Here are some other facts:

At least fifty percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children. Each year, between 2,000 - 5,000 children die each year because of domestic violence. Most victims of domestic violence allow themselves to be beaten, so that they want the abuse to end. They engage in various survival strategies to protect themselves and their children (i.e., calling the police and/or seeking help from family members). Another strategy is silence (i.e. taking a beating to keep the batterer from attacking the children).

As a result, most victims suffer from psychological effects. In other words, post-traumatic stress disorder or depression, because of being constantly abused. …show more content…

In other words, it is either direct and intentional or indirect and accidental. If it is the first reason, i.e., direct and intentional then, it should be considered as a deliberate and willful act that has been conducted or carried out with the purpose of injuring the child. If it is the second case and it is indirect and accidental, then the damage is because the child lives with family violence. In this case, the youth is not the target of the violence, but must live with the pain and suffering which results from such experiences. This is why in some places, people tend to view the term domestic violence as family