How Could Removing Junk Food From School Lunches Help Obesity?

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Could Removing Junk Food from schools lunches Help Obesity? Obesity is a problem in the U.S. and one of the causes is junk food, in schools kids are mostly eating junk food from vending machines or through the lunch line, and mostly not getting the right nutrition for their meal.

Junk Food is bad for you, Junk Food is a cause of Obesity if you eat it more often. “Kids aren’t buying the better-for-them options in the cafeteria, and that’s leading to a drop in revenue for some schools” (Sifferlin). Junk Food is bad for you, because junk food is a cause of obesity if you eat it more often then you should. As the CDC says “Consuming more energy from foods and beverages than the body uses for healthy functioning, growth, and physical activity can lead to extra weight gain over time” (health & human services). So that is why junk food is bad and we should not have it during lunch.

Schools should ban selling junk food, By banning schools from selling junk food so kids would have to choose something healthy. “schools can still sell brownies and cupcakes at bake sales and sporting events, snacks sold during school hours cannot exceed 200 calories and must be either chock full of …show more content…

“The majority of the nation’s schools — about 94% — are participating in the National School Lunch Program, which reimburses schools for the meals they serve and provides food at lower cost to feed lower-income students. These schools must follow new criteria required by the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, and include more grains, fresh fruits and vegetables in lunches” (Sifferlin). Kids should have a balance on what they eat, eating healthy foods like, veggies, fruits, dairy, and grains can help give more energy for kids so they could focus more in class. This is why junk food should be banned from school