How Did Aztecs Build Complex Societies

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The Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs all show examples of how complex societies develop. They created complex societies with gender norms and socials structures that helped their culture to grow and flourish. The foundation for all three societies is the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture that produced enough food for the population to expand. The Mayas were controlled by a ruling elites. Those who controlled crucial goods, held the power. The amount of resources that an elite controlled show their greater measure of power (Sharer,632). Power was also gained from control over the corvee labor system. The corvee labor system was a form of a tax system in which commoners provided a tax in form of labor to the elites. The corvee system helped build public works within the communities. The leaders would have also controlled trade routes and the distribution of elite goods. In addition to the corvee labor system, commoners were also expected to pay tribute to leaders in exchange for their protection. Tribute supplied elites with food and clothing. It also helped contribute to the elite’s wealth (Sharer, 634). Each Maya household general provided for many of its own needs. This included the actual construction of the house. …show more content…

The Aztecs relied heavily on architectural and engineering feats to be able to create enough farmable land. There were also highly specialized roles within the Aztec society. Those who held these roles manufactured goods that were used in homes, temples, and workplaces (Smith,82). The craft industry was divided into two groups, utilitarian and luxury. Utilitarian goods were usually produced by part-time artisans who created items in their homes and sold goods in marketplaces. These goods included reed sandals or pottery vessels. While full-time specialists made luxury goods and worked directly for the elites. They created gold jewelry or stone