
How Did Chopin Contribute To Music

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One of the greatest Romantic Era composers of all time is Fredrick Chopin. Even though he did not do many public performances, he published nearly 170 works. His works were mostly composed of piano and preformed for many small audiences instead of large performances. His music often fills the listener with intense emotion. Chopin’s music epitomized how emotions can affect the nature and beauty of the piece. He transformed the traditional sonata and prelude style pieces into intimate and emotional peices. Even though he died at the age of 39, his legacy and passion for the piano continued. Chopin’s life experiences affected his compositions, created a reputation, and infused large amounts of emotion in his music to become the legendary pianist and composer that people remember him to be today.
Fredrick Chopin was born on March 1, 1810. He died at the young age of 39. However, through his short life, he completed nearly 170 works and became an influential composer of the Romantic Era. Chopin’s parents introduced him to music at the age of six . People quickly recognized him to have musical talent. This resulted his parents into hiring a musician to tutor Chopin. In little time, Chopin surpassed his teacher. By the time Chopin was around the …show more content…

These composers include Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms, and many others. These composers all found inspiration and expressed admiration to Chopin. Schumann even dedicated a piece of music to Chopin called Carnaval . Chopin also dedicated a ballade to Schumann. This shows that Chopin was also a very respectable person in the music community. Liszt, a close friend of Chopin, also found inspiration in Chopin’s music. He even transcribed some of his music . Brahms, another important composer of his time, found inspiration from Chopin. This shows through Brahms’s etudes. The technique is very similar to Chopin’s style of

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