How Did Galileo Build The Telescope

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Many people every day gaze upon the stars. They all can see the red light from the planet jupiter. For a closer look many search through a telescope. Without the man Galileo Galilei, many of these everyday things would be drastically different. Galileo invented and improved on a number of things, such as the telescope; he made many important discoveries; he was ahead of his time. Galileo helped shape the world today. Have you ever used a telescope at night to see the stars or the planets. With-out Galileo looking in the sky through a telescope, the view would be upside down and barely closer but when Galileo made his telescope it was a outrageously better. Galileo made so many telescopes that he ended up grinding his own glasses to …show more content…

many museums have pendulums, a weight at the end of a string that never stops swinging back and forth, Galileo discovered this law of motion. One day Galileo was sitting in a church he looked up to see the lamp connected to the ceiling swinging back and forth never stopping. When the pendulum reaches its lowest point it uses the momentum from the swing and uses that to swing the other way this process stays in an endless loop unless another force acts upon it just like newton's law. Galileo also discovered the fact that if two objects are dropped from equal height the weight has no effect. This is a common fact now but in Galileo's time many believed the fact of ancient greek philosopher Aristotle who used logic other the experiments. Many of aristotle's teaching when with the beliefs of the catholic church so they would believe him other than people that believe in science. Finally Galileo discovered many things in the night sky but is most famous for his discovery of three moons of jupiter. This discovery used Galileo's newly improved telescope. Galileo would record what he saw in his journal. Galileo discovered the four largest moons of jupiter Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Galileo thought had these spectacular ideas but somewhere thought very wrong back in Galileo's