How Did George Kill Lennie In Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a novella revolving around the lives of two migrant workers named George Milton and Lennie Small. George is a small but intelligent and determined individual, while Lennie being the opposite is gigantic and mentally challenged. The unlikely pair attempt to make a living by traveling from ranch to ranch facing new problems regularly. The problems end up getting so bizarre that in the end, George ends up in a difficult situation where he must decide to shoot Lennie out of mercy and love. George killing Lennie was a good decision because he had good intentions unlike Curley. Firstly, George did make a good decision to shoot Lennie because he had good intentions, he did this act out of love. Once George was …show more content…

For instance, he has such a horrible past of him killing animals because he simply was not aware of his strength: “I’d pet ‘em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and they was dead-” (Page 10). He describes the situation by declaring to George that he pinched the mouses head a little, thus meaning that he doesn’t know his own strength. In addition, another similar incident occurred a little while back, when Lennie had touched a girls red dress in Weed because it was so soft, he was then accused of rape and had to depart the town. Lennie has a soft spot for touching soft things, this has caused him to make outrageous action like killing Curleys Wife: “I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof’ things.” (Page 90). Lennie’s actions often create trouble, especially because he doesn’t understand the consequences of the decisions he has made. If Lennie were to somehow possibly survive the incident, he definitely would have commit further decisions similar to this due to his mental disability. As a result, Lennie does have a horrible history and it is fair that he is prosecuted for the crime he has