How Did Henry Ford Make During The Industrial Revolution

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Henry Ford and the Model T During the Industrial Revolution, there were copious inventors, one of the greatest was Henry Ford. Not only was he determined to build a simple and affordable car, his idea single handedly impacted the society and economy in a tremendous way. Henry Ford wanted to make an inexpensive, safe, and light car. Many different companies had been making cars but none of them were fast and safe as Henry Ford’s Model T. The Model T help working conditions and higher wages, help mass produce cars to many americans, and most importantly it helped start other businesses such as gas stations, tire companies, and road pavement. Henry Ford had always dreamed of making an automobile. At the age of 12 he saw a self powered road …show more content…

That trip left him to believe that he could build a self-powered vehicle. Henry had many jobs that helped him understand how to run different types of machines and how steam engines worked. While working at a job fixing gas engines, he had the idea of building a gas powered, engine car. The first car with a gas engine had already been made in Germany in 1885 by Karl Benz, but Henry thought he could improve the design. His wife Clara was convinced he could do it. In 1891 Henry Ford got a job at Edison Illuminating Company there he fixed steamed power engines that generated electricity. In 1893 in his workshop behind his house he made his first car with the help of an inventor Fred Strauss. Finally in June 4 1896 he was ready to test the vehicle. Ford called it the “ buggy” it’s official name was the Quadricycle. …show more content…

He wanted everybody to have one. The Model T was his legacy. Ford made the Model T in Ford Motor Companies in 1908. It was larger than the Model A and a bit more expensive but way cheaper than his competitors. Henry still wanted every man to own a Model T and wanted it to be more affordable. Model T’s were made by hand, step by step. First the workers would add the engine then they would add the roof and finally put the tires in. However, only one of these steps can be done at a time. In traditional production, only one car would be assembled at a time. In 1910’s Henry and his staff came up with ideas to build cars faster and cheaper. Thus came the assembly line improving the economy and boosting jobs. With the assembly line a car assembly was split between several stations, all working simultaneously. When one station is finished with a car, it passed on to the next. By having three stations, a total of three different cars can be operated on at the same time, each one at a different stage of its assembly.With this Ford industries started mass producing the Model T. Ford produced 65,000 cars in