How Did The Ku Klux Klan Influence Today

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Shaffer 1

Are you familiar with the group of people who wore long white sheets, tall white hats, and masks? The creation of the Ku Klux Klan led to many instances of people being tortured and killed. The group, originally founded in 1866, having its ups and downs throughout history, had its revival in the early 1900s ( The Klan during its revival was known as the “New Klan” (Ku Klux). No matter what generation the members were involved in, they all had two goals. These goals were to send the blacks back to Africa, where they originated from, and to maintain white supremacy. The Ku Klux Klan contributed and still contributes today to a darker side of America’s history. Since its founding and through today, the KKK has influenced America. The group has targeted more than just blacks and used fear and intimidation to influence government policy. Jews and other small minorities, such as African Americans, were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan thought that the white race was superior and that Blacks should not be granted the same equal rights as themselves. The KKK would ride on …show more content…

The KKK wanted this control over anything else. The Ku Klux Klan wanted their office to be the White House, and they wanted to kick the President out. They believed that the President wasn’t properly doing his/her job and that the members of the KKK could run the country better than anyone else. There are multiple cartoons, which were drawn by members of the KKK, where the KKK and Uncle Sam are together and KKK members are telling Uncle Sam, in some way or another, that they own the White House others depict Uncle Sam showing fear. These cartoons, although having little writing, demonstrated a lot. Letters and cartoons are just one way the KKK exemplified their power, and their ultimate goal