How Did The Technological Advances Created During The Industrial Revolution

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The industrial revolution took place from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century. It was when rural societies in Europe and America became industrialized and urban. The industrial revolution began in britain in the late seventeen hundreds when manufacturing was done in people’s homes using handy tools and basic machines. It marked a shift in powered, special purpose machinery, factories and mass production. Iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine played central roles in the industrial revolution. The revolution improved systems of transportation's, communications and banking standard of living. The industrial revolution was a turning point in human history that paved the way for technological, scientific and cultural advancements. These improvements came at a cost of public health …show more content…

Some technological innovations that had developed during this time include weavers, spinning wheels, and the steam engine. John Kay was a mechanic who invented the flying shuttle now known as a weaver. He used cords attached with a peg, a single weaver could operate the shuttle on the loom. This invention helped increase production rates of cloth, so while the people were still making the looms the weavers would be waiting for them to be done. Another invention created during the industrial revolution was the spinning jenny invented by James Hargreaves. The spinning jenny was a device which allowed an individual to spin many threads at once which made it easier for the people to create more product in a smaller amount of time. Another invention that helped society develop was the steam engine, it created a new source of power. The earlier version of this was used to drain water and raise coal from mines. There are many innovations that had come with idea of stem as a source of