In Virginia plan some of the specific powers include, that the national legislature to consent in all situations to which the separate states are unskilled or in which United States consistency may be disturbed by the claim of individual regulation and also assign inferior tribunals. The executive has the power to carry into execution of national laws, and to adverse any legislative act which shall not be passed after wards unless through permission from two third of each branch of national legislature. The judiciary has the power to handle all the circumstances regarding collection of national revenue, impeachment of any state, officers and questions that comprise of national coherence. In New Jersey plan some of the powers that are presented are partially similar to those in Virginia plans but not completely
(2) The creation of an unspecified national executive, elected by the legislature. (3) The creation of a national judiciary, appointed by the legislature" (Bardes, Shelley, Schmidt 41). Moreover, the New Jersey differs from the Virginia Plan in that it was "simply an amendment of the Articles of Confederation [and] its only notable features was its reference to the supremacy doctrine, which was later included in the Constitution" (Bardes, Shelley, Schmidt 42). Despite this difference both plans are important as they helped reach an
These men being known as the founding fathers The Virginia plan was to create a government consisted of what Edmond Randolph proposed that the national government be compiled of a supreme, legislative, executive and judiciary. It was also consisted of 2 houses. The lower house would represent states with the largest population. The members of the upper house would be elected by the lower house making the smaller states have little or no representation in the upper house at all.
The three branches would write, enforce, and judge the laws. This part of the New Jersey Plan is the same as the Virginia Plan, except that this plan would have a one house congress. The smaller states liked the idea of a three branch government, but would make
In May 25, 1787, a convention was called in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to express the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. However, the intention from many delegates was to draft a new constitution; create a new government rather than fix the existing one. Rhode Island was the only one of the 13 original states to refuse to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention. At the Convention, the first issues they had to address was the representation in Congress.
To whom this may concern, On this 11th day of September, I Edmund Randolph will be presenting my solution to the catastrophes of our uncivilized government. As a citizen of the United States I believe we the body deserve a well organized, well established government that can’t be destroyed by surrounding countries. Here I present to you the Virginia plan. Keep in mind France has had a well organized and well thought out civilized government for many years.
These authorities that the national government should have, were all up to the states to decide under the Articles. With the taking away some of the states rights in the Constitution, Anti-federalists feared that this would leave the states too weak, resulting in more problems. Under the new Constitution, many powers that were now in the government 's hands are: the power to levy and collect taxes, the power to regulate interstate commerce, the government set up a national court system consisting of district, circuit, and a supreme court, the government could enforce laws, there was now a house based on population, and a senate based on equal representation (two votes per state), to amend the Constitution, a ⅔ vote of Congress was needed, and a ¾ vote of the states were needed, and a majority rule was needed to pass bills. These new powers and abilities of the national government helped to create a strong, new
In the creating of the US Constitution, the creators hit many roadblocks. It was difficult for the state delegates to decide on much, especially because they were biased and in favor of their own states. The New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan were two examples of the disagreement of representation within the states in the legislative branch. The New Jersey Plan was in favor of equal representation throughout the states. The Virginia Plan was in favor of population representation, meaning the larger states would have more representation than the smaller states.
Virginia constitution of 1776 was one of the first constitutions written in an American history. Its core structure was developing its basic principle. Which included popular sovereignty, the idea that government is responsible to the people. While it protect the rights of all citizens, but at this time in age, this did not include slaves. Next was the separation of power, not allowing one to hold full power.
So to speak, it would balance out the powers between Small States and Large States. (A)Federalism, (B)Separation of Powers, (C)Checks and Balances, and (D)Small States-Large States are all the ways the framers of the constitution guarded against tyranny. Separation of Powers is one of the most important framers of the constitution because it helped separate all the branches to lead to liberty for our
His New Jersey Plan was a counter proposal to the Virginia Plan. Less populated states strongly contradict giving power of national government control to states that are highly populated, which resulted to a legislative body from the Articles of Confederation to represent one-vote-per state. With a legislative representative there would be more authority. The single legislative chamber of the New Jersey Plan, was originated from the Article of Confederation. The issue of the size of the state and state’s fairness idle the
The plan proposed some amendments, revisions, corrections and changes to address the problems and weaknesses of the Article of Confederation in dealing with national problems. It called for a unicameral legislature with each state having equal numbers of representatives regardless of size or population. Along with the powers already given by the Articles of Confederation, the legislature would gain some more power such as the ability to create new tariffs, duties, other taxes, and regulations on trade. The legislature would also be elect an executive that would serve for a fixed period of time, and the executive can be removed from office through a majority vote of governors from the states if petitioned. The executive would enforce federal acts, appoint people for required tasks in the federal government, and be in charge of the military.
The plan proposed by Virginia otherwise known as the “large-state plan.” Which proposed “a bicameral legislature, in which the lower house would be elected proportionately and the upper house would be selected from a list of nominees sent from the state legislatures on the basis of equal representation for the states. ”(add footnote) As the smaller states feared that this plan would lose a voice in the federal government if they continued with the Virginia plan, they opposed this plan and came up with one for themselves which would be known as the “small-state plan.” The small-state plan would propose “a unicameral Congress, with equal representation for each state, with all the powers of the Confederation Congress.
Claim A: Under the Virginia Plan, the population would determine representation in each of the two houses of Congress. Claim B: Delegates from less-populous states wanted to amend the Articles of Confederation to protect their equal standing, which would preserve each
After deciding to write a new constitution, the delegates could not decide what new form the government should take. One of the options was the Virginia Plan created by Edmund Randolph and James Madison. The plan included a strong government with three branches (the legislative branch, The judicial branch, and the executive branch). In the Virginia Plan, the legislator would consist of two houses and seats would be awarded on the basis of the population. Due to the fact that the seats are awarded based on population, larger states would have more representatives than smaller states.