
How Does Atticus Finch Show Courage

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There are many examples of courage throughout To Kill A Mockingbird. It just so happens that Atticus Finch displays most of those examples. He not only defined courage in the best way, but he also fits it like a glove. One being defending Tom Robinson, another when he goes to the jail in the middle of the night, and lastly, when he follows his morals even though he could lose his son. Of course, most people think of the trial when they hear Atticus’s name. They may not see, however, that he risked so much when taking this case. He risked his family name while his sister did not approve. Southern womanhood is all about your family and their reputation. Scout overhears Atticus tells Alexandra, “... in favor of southern womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life.” (Lee 167). Another thing he dealt with when he took the case was the whole town calling him names that should not be repeated. Not only him facing that but what his children would think of him after hearing those names. He risked losing his kid’s respect when he defended Tom. …show more content…

There is a scene in chapter fifteen where we see how dangerous this case can really be. Atticus knew there would be men there ready to hurt Tom and anyone standing in the way. He had no fear and no weapon. Scout observes Atticus’s reading the newspaper while the mob approached him and says, “He closed it, folded it, deliberately dropped it in his lap, and pushed his hat to the back of his head. He seemed to be expecting them.” (Lee 171). Here you can see that the only thing he brought was a newspaper and yet he knew that these men would be armed. He brought his mind and words and believed that was

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